
Iconic, historic building in Jacksonville infested with termites


JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — One of the River City’s most iconic and historic buildings is infested with termites and will soon have to be torn down.

The Women’s Club of Jacksonville is adjacent to the Cummer Museum on Riverside Avenue.  The museum had plans to renovate that building, but now they have to start from scratch.

The building, which was built in 1927, was purchased by the museum in 2005..

The museum itself is OK, but some of the trees in the area are also dealing with the problem.

“We've been more focused on trying to understand the problem and then to share what we've learned about this infestation because it turns out, the historic districts throughout the country really in the southeast have been dealing with this and it's very destructive,” said Hope McMath, Cummer Museum executive director.

Since it is a historic building, the museum has to work with the state on the demolition, so there isn’t an exact date for the demolition, McMath said.

McMath said the plan is to get all of it in motion in the summer, and eventually be able to take advantage of the new building.

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