
Interview: Corrine Brown attends church service ahead of trial


Former U.S. Rep. Corrine Brown’s trial on multiple fraud charges starts with jury selection Monday morning.

On Sundays, the Florida Democrat attended the Bethel Church, where the pastor and congregation prayed for her.

Afterward Brown and her attorney sat down with Action News Jax's Larry Spruill for a one-on-one interview hours before her trial.

Words of encouragement and prayer were offered by the people who filled the packed Bethel Church as Brown sat with her attorney and daughter beside her. But it was the message delivered after the service, in a private conference room that stood out.

Larry Spruill: Did you have any knowledge of (the fraud charges)?

Corrine Brown: Well, I can't talk about the case.

Larry Spruill: These last couple of months, what have you been going through, mentally, physically, spiritually, what have these months, been like for you?

Brown: It's been 15 months, and it's been hell. It's been very difficult.

It's been difficult and trying, Brown said, especially after her chief of staff and close friend, Ronnie Simmons, recently took a plea deal in which he agreed to testify against her. Simmons is also accused of fraud.

Larry Spruill: I know you can't talk about the case, but you and Mr. Ronnie Simmons, were friends, for a long period of time.

Brown: No, he was like my son.

Larry: Why did he turn on you?

Corrine: Well, we'll discuss that in court. Why is that 99 percent of the people plea? Because they come to you and say they're going to give you 335 years if you don't agree to three years. So it's something wrong with the criminal justice system.

Action News Jax uncovered that Brown’s daughter is also on the list to testify, but she said she’s going to invoke her Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination.

Larry Spruill: Your daughter, plans on pleading the fifth, she doesn't want to take the stand, are they forcing her to take the stand? Will she have to take the stand?

Brown: That's going to be between her and her attorney, and you do know my daughter is an attorney.

Brown said her defense team has been preparing for the upcoming trial, but she's the only person who can defend herself.

Larry Spruill: Do you plan on getting on the stand, testifying on your behalf?

Brown: Yes. I'm supposed be guarded, but yes. Nobody can tell my story, better than I can. Yes.

Larry Spruill: Ms. Brown, says that she would like to take the stand, and testify on her behalf. Is that a good idea or bad idea?

James Smith, Corrine Brown's attorney: Whether it's a good idea or bad idea, always depends on the circumstances. I will tell you this. However, I hope people will take into consideration, one important fact that Congresswoman Brown is known for being very vocal and she never shies away from anything.

Brown: I have spent my entire life working to make my community and my country better. And I can't wait to get inside the courtroom to tell my story.

Jury selection starts Monday. Her attorney said the first day of testimony will be Wednesday.