
Jacksonville residents upset over post-Hurricane Irma curfew


Neighbors are upset over a post-Hurricane Irma curfew implemented at a Northside apartment complex.

Tenants at Washington Heights on Moncrief Road say they aren’t allowed to come or go after 8 p.m.

The curfew is creating stern reaction from people who stay there. It went into effect when the power went out during Hurricane Irma.

According to a letter, Millenia Housing Management implemented the curfew until Tuesday to keep neighbors safe.

Citing a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development rule, the letter stated that all residents must be inside their homes by 8 p.m. and no visitors are allowed after that time.

Action News Jax called the owners to see if this was legal and was told they would have someone return the call.

Action News Jax law and safety expert Dale Carson said the management is keeping people imprisoned.

That’s exactly what neighbors say it feels like. Resident Vera Kirtsey says the curfew goes too far.

Action News Jax contacted the security company. It said the curfew will remain in effect until Tuesday at 8 a.m., but could be extended.

Neighbors are saying they won’t tolerate it.

“Who would be want to be in their house at 8 o'clock? That's what you tell your child,” a resident said.

CURFEW in effect at Washington Heights until further notice. GATE CHECKS! ALL residents must be inside before 8:00pm...

Posted by Protective Enterprises Public Safety on Friday, September 15, 2017