JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Students at Darnell-Cookman were evacuated because of a bomb threat on Tuesday, hours after officials found a handwritten bomb threat at a school nearby.
Students were evacuated from Darnell-Cookman shortly after officials gave LaVilla School of the Arts the all clear.
LaVilla parents were advised not come to the school, but that didn’t stop some of them.
“I’m sure that everyone is taking the necessary precautions, but obviously it’s very alarming to receive a call notifying that there’s a bomb threat at your child’s school,” Leigh Neal, a mother, said.
Less than a mile away, Darnell-Cookman students were dismissed on time as Duval County School Police and Jacksonville Sheriff's Office investigated.
Officials gave the all clear for Darnell-Cookman shortly before 5 p.m.
Parents were asked to pick up children who walk or ride in a car to school at St. Stephen's AME Church.
Duval County Public Schools updated parents via automated calls and updates on their Twitter and Facebook pages.
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Scene near Darnell-Cookman. Parents with kids at other schools are frantic, b/c their busses pass through here. pic.twitter.com/1OibbaEND8
— Erica Simon (@EricaOnABC13) May 10, 2016
Here's a shot from the front of the school -- across from UF Health. pic.twitter.com/vGc1d5zuGt
— Erica Simon (@EricaOnABC13) May 10, 2016
Darnell-Cookman's parking lot is still full of cars -- most likely belonging to teachers.
— Erica Simon (@EricaOnABC13) May 10, 2016
8th and Davis St. just reopened to traffic. No word on if there's an "all-clear."
— Erica Simon (@EricaOnABC13) May 10, 2016
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