
Woman punched by JSO officer shares her side of the story


For the first time, we are hearing from the woman who says an officer with the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office crossed the line while he arrested her.

Akinyemi Borisade was arrested for battery for punching Mayra Martinez repeatedly. Martinez gave her side of the story to Action News Jax reporter Cole Heath.

Martinez was arrested for trespassing and for violently resisting that officer and is now out of jail.

Cole Heath exchanged texts with her throughout the evening Friday because she said she is not ready to speak about the ordeal on camera, but she said she is mortified by the situation.

Martinez shared a selfie she took right before she walked into Scores strip club for her first and last day of work.

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Amateur video obtained by the Florida Times-Union shows what happened after JSO said she quit, got drunk and refused to leave.

Her arrest report said Officers N.H. Vickery and Borisade held her on the ground, as Borisade hits her in the video.

"I’m still trying to figure myself out ... It’s been very disorienting,” Martinez said via text messages Friday.

Martinez said via text, “I just want my name cleared,” and “He shouldn’t have punched me at all.”

An eyewitness said Martinez was fighting with the officers before the car and its camera pulled up.

In the video, you can see Martinez kick the officer once she’s off the ground. And video inside the jail shows another exchange between officer Borisade and Martinez.

You can see he pushes her up against the wall – she kicks him twice – then he begins to punch the handcuffed Martinez.

"It's a black eye for the agency, but we can overcome it," said Sheriff Mike Williams.

Sheriff Williams calls this an isolated incident his department will address.

"My gut tells me 99 percent are out doing a good job for this community every single day and when we see an officer do something like this, we have to respond quickly," Williams said.

Martinez told Action News Jax’s Cole Heath she is looking into hiring an attorney. The State Attorney's Office said it is still reviewing the case as a whole.