9-year-old finishes cross-country bike ride in St. Augustine

ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla. — Cheers erupted for C.J Burford as the boy crossed the finish line in St. Augustine beach.

“It's just amazing, I'm like ah,” Burford said.

Buford was expressing a feeling of relief after riding his bike all the way across the country from Oceanside California to St. Augustine Beach. The 9-year-old began his journey on Sept. 1.

“I dipped my back wheel in the Pacific and I'm about to dip my front wheel in the Atlantic,” Buford said.

But it's not just about the 2,700-mile distance pedaled by this home schooled boy whose family rode alongside him in this bus. C.J. said he had a divine purpose.

“I asked my mom 'Does that mean I'm supposed to ride my bike for Jesus?' and she said yea,” Buford said.

“We're supporting him in that calling,” said Katie Burford, C.J.’s mother.

C.J. told Action News that a calling led him through his long journey.

“I promise you I did every single millimeter of it,” Burford said.

He raised about $25,000 for the National Children's Cancer Society.

C.J. said God gave him the strength that's gotten him through four years of charitable bike riding.

“I just want to give God the glory,” Burford said.

Now he's on his glory trail back home.

C.J.'s goal was to raise $100,000. If you're interested in helping out click here. His next stop is home in Winston Salem, North Carolina.