The city of Jacksonville has compiled a list of resources for those needing help with their mental health.
Click here for more information or see below:
Mental Health Resource Center (MHRC)
Address: 11820 Beach Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32246
Phone Number: (904) 642-9100
Services: Comprehensive mental health services including emergency evaluation and crisis stabilization for children and adults, case management, social rehabilitation, medication management and other outpatient services for persons living in Duval County east of the St. Johns River including the beaches. MHRC also operates programs for the homeless and two Florida Assertive Community Treatment (FACT)Teams.
Mental Health Resource Center North (NHRC North)
Address: 3333 West 20th St., Jacksonville, FL 32254
Phone Number: (904) 695-9145
Services: Comprehensive mental health services including emergency evaluation and crisis stabilization for adults, case management, social rehabilitation, medication management and other outpatient services for persons living in Duval County west of the St. Johns River. MHCJ also provides jail-based diversion for persons under arrest and linkage to community-based services.
Northwest Behavioral Health Services
Address: 2392 North Edgewood Ave., Jacksonville, FL 32254
Phone Number: (904) 781-7797
Services: Mental Health case management, supported housing, and outpatient counseling services for adults with severe and persistent mental illness. Please contact agency for specific information.
River Region Human Services
Address: 3901 Carmichael Ave. Jacksonville, FL 32207
Phone Number: (904) 899-6300 ext. 4200
Services provided: Mental health case management, supported housing, and rehabilitative services for adults with severe and persistent mental illness. Please contact agency for specific information.