Affidavit: JSO officer accused of sending nude photos to teen has long history of formal complaints

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GREEN COVE SPRINGS, Fla. — Action News Jax has uncovered a long history of complaints involving a JSO officer who was is accused of sending inappropriate Snapchats to a teenage boy in Clay County.

We told you last week that Alejandro Carmona of the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office was arrested and charged in Clay County with online solicitation of a child, transmission of harmful material to a child, and unlawful use of a two-way device.

On Monday we learned that there have been 28 formal complaints filed against the officer. Five complaints involve body camera violations over the course of one year. The majority of the others include things like rudeness, unbecoming conduct, and failure to conform to work standards.

We also found that Carmona, 48, has been linked to four separate officer-involved traffic crashes, for which he received points on his license, counseling, and additional training.

Courtney Cole will have more on this story on CBS47/FOX30 at 5.