ALTA Good Deeds Foundation awards $6K grant to Jacksonville Community Land Trust

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The American Land Title Association (ALTA), through their Good Deeds Foundation, announced a $6,000 grant to be given to the Jacksonville Community Land Trust on Thursday.


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Announced at ALTA EDge, the Jacksonville Community Land Trust is one of the 17 nonprofit organizations to receive this grant.

“In just a few years, the ALTA Good Deeds Foundation has transformed the generosity of title professionals into tangible community impact, awarding more than $1.2 million to 211 nonprofit organizations across the country,” said Foundation Board Chair Mary O’Donnell, president and CEO of Westcor Land Title Insurance Co. and past president of ALTA. “These grants empower local organizations to continue their critical work, strengthening neighborhoods and supporting those in need.”

“We are honored to be the recipient of this grant from the ALTA Good Deeds Foundation,” said Robin Pfalzgraf, Executive Director at Jacksonville Community Land Trust. “Our organization will use this grant to create homeownership options for low- and moderate-income individuals and families to improve neighborhood stability, promote economic development, and build wealth while preserving affordable homes for future generations.”

The Jacksonville Community Land Trust was nominated for the grant by Stephanie Burch at Driver, McAfee, Hawthorne and Diebenow, PLLC.

Click HERE to learn more about the Good Deeds Foundation.

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