Couple claims St. Augustine Kay Jewelers lost their wedding rings

A local couple says they sent their ring off to be cleaned but instead, they got excuse after excuse as to why it wasn’t returned.

A couple says they sent their ring off to be cleaned, but instead, they got excuse after excuse as to why it wasn’t returned.

It’s a familiar story happening around the country for many families fighting with a leading national jewelry store.

The ring is a symbol of Carrie and Chris Mosley’s love and wedding vows. They will soon be celebrating 10 years of marriage.

Chris Mosely wanted to spruce up their rings for the big day, so he took their rings to Kay Jewelers store in St. Augustine two weeks ago to get it cleaned, but he was in for a rude awakening when it was time to pick them back up.

“When I looked at the engagement band, I said, 'This is not our ring.' She goes, 'Yes, it is,'” said Chris Mosley.

Chris Mosely took the ring home to show his wife, despite his doubts. His wife quickly realized the ring they gave her husband wasn’t her ring at all.

“Panic, worry, almost feeling a sense of desperation. The thought of it not coming back was terrifying,” said Carrie Mosely.

Both Chris and Carrie Mosely say for two weeks, they called the store and corporate offices but only got the run around. They even went to Kay Jewelers Facebook page, where they saw similar posts and issues.

“They’re all the same. They’re all exactly the same. Rings go out for cleaning. Rings go out for sizing. They're either damaged or don’t come back at all,” said Mosley.

Kay Jewelers recently wrote a post on its Facebook page, apologizing, and they also mentioned they are assisting those who have raised concerns. Meanwhile, the couple said although they have their rings back, they probably won’t trust them again.