Jacksonville baby injured while in care of baby sitter walks again

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — A Jacksonville baby who was badly injured while in her cousin’s care has recovered and her baby sitter is facing charges.

Terrvahda Rock is charged with child abuse and neglect after her cousin Belle was taken to the hospital in October with broken legs and arms, and swelling in the brain.

Belle spent time in the intense care unit and her mother Ashley Ervin said seeing her daughter in the hospital was heartbreaking.

“I almost threw up I was so devastated. I’ve never seen a small child like that laid out on a stretcher. I’ve never seen anything like that before,” said Ervin.

Belle has since recovered and Ervin said she doesn’t understand why anyone would want to hurt her 7-month-old daughter.

Rock said Belle fell down the stairs but Ervin said the injuries don’t match up with her story.

“It didn’t seem real from what the doctors told me, because they didn’t think she was going to be able to walk,” Ervin said.

Doctors said someone would have had to grab Belle’s wrist and forcefully snap it in half to cause her arm to break as it did, Ervin said.

According to Rock’s Feb. 26 arrest report, Belle’s injuries were determined to be the result of child abuse and are consistent with great bodily harm.

Ervin said she is just happy her daughter is walking again.