Kamiyah Mobley’s father says Kamiyah is moving in with him in Jacksonville

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JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Kamiyah Mobley’s biological father made a post on Facebook on Friday saying that Kamiyah will be moving to Jacksonville with him.

Mobley was kidnapped from a Jacksonville hospital in 1998 when she was just hours old.

Her family felt like their prayers were answered when their child has was found alive 18 years later.

Mobley, who went by a different name, was found in South Carolina.

Photos: Kamiyah Mobley found living under name Alexis Manigo
Arrest warrant: Alexis Manigo told a friend that she was kidnapped newborn Kamiyah Mobley

Her kidnapper, Gloria Williams, was sentenced to 18 years in prison in June of 2018.

A movie about Mobley’s story will be released on Lifetime network next month.

The Facebook post Mobley’s father made reads: “Listen up!Just got wonderful news. And I need y’all support. Kamiyah is moving down here with me this weekend and I’m excited. This is a big step for both of us. If you are as happy as we are help me welcome.”