Projections of livestreamed performances could come to downtown Jacksonville

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Jacksonville City Councilwoman Lori Boyer said the city's Tourist Development Council is modeling its proposal after New World Symphony's WALLCAST in Miami.

The plan would transform a circular parking lot for VIPs and staff behind the Times-Union Center for the Performing Arts into a riverfront Performing Arts Garden, where people could watch livestreamed performances projected on the CSX building’s east wall.

“The symphony seemed interested in the possibility of engaging a new audience. You know, you get a different group of people that come to an outdoor thing,” said Boyer.

She believes the project will attract new life to downtown, especially along the riverfront.

Action News Jax reported last week that the city is exploring creating a sound and light show on the riverfront, which Boyer said could use some of the same equipment.

Boyer said she envisions projecting livestreams not just of symphony performances and movies, but of sporting events.

“I was in Europe, I don’t know, 10 years ago when the World Cup was going on and you would see these live projections of soccer games all over the place. I mean, every city had a park where there were these huge screens up projecting sporting events,” said Boyer.

The project still must be approved by the full City Council.

Before construction could begin, the bulkhead in front of the performing arts center would need to be rebuilt.

Boyer said that project could take up to two years.