St. Johns County tax collector employee accused of making racial comments

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ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla. — An investigation is underway into accusations of racial comments made by an employee at a local tax collector's office.

A local businessman said it happened during a visit to collect back taxes. That businessman spoke only with Action News. Matthew Killen is the general manager for Murphy Beds Direct in St. Augustine. Friday, he said he was working at his office when a man from the county tax collector's office came in, looking for $1,700 in back taxes.

"He threatened to put a tax lien sign on the door," said Killen.

Killen said the owner of his store was contesting the taxes, but Killen paid them anyway. While Killen was writing the check, he said the tax collector's office employee made racist remarks when he started talking about why Killen seemed startled as the county employee walked in. Killen talked about some of the harassment he said happened with police in Texas when he was younger.

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"He said, 'Well, were you wearing a do-rag?' I said no. Was that racist? He confirmed it by saying, 'Well. they must've thought you were a wet**** or something.' My heart sank," said Killen.

Killen said he's a Navy veteran and Puerto Rican. He said he never expected to hear those words from a county employee. "He was collecting a check for $1,700 dollars," said Killen. "I'd expected to hear that from a friend after a couple beers."

Killen wrote a complaint letter to the St. Johns County Tax Collector HR director. We got an email Tuesday morning in response to our questions saying they took immediate action and "... this incident is currently under investigation."
We went to the office Tuesday to try and get more answers, but no one was available to talk to us.

"The guy who did it wanted to apologize, but I didn't want to talk to him. I was still upset," said Killen.

That was Killen's first reaction in the heat of the moment. Killen told us now he has had time to calm down and would accept the apology.
We also reached out to the county commissioners. The two we spoke with had not heard about the investigation.

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