Watch: 1998 videos from Action News Jax coverage of the search for abducted newborn Kamiyah Mobley

A rendering of hours-old Mobley from 1998 (left) and her biological mother Shanara Mobley. 

The newborn who was taken in 1998 from a Jacksonville hospital was found in South Carolina, officials said.

Kamiyah Mobley was taken on July 10, 1998 hours after being born at University Medical Center, which is now UF Health Jacksonville.

It was revealed on Friday that Kamiyah, who is now 18 and is known as Alexis Manigo, has been living in South Carolina.

Gloria Williams, 51, was arrested as a suspect in Kamiyah's kidnapping.

Action News Jax covered the search for Kamiyah extensively. Watch the archival footage of the search for Kamiyah.

1998: Kamiyah Mobley's mother, Shanara Mobley, says "I just want my baby back

1998: Sheriff Nat Glover canvasses community looking for tips on missing Kamiyah Mobley

1998: Paternal grandmother of Kamiyah Mobley wishes she had "second chance" to follow person who took her granddaughter

1998: Police, public continue to search for missing infant Kamiyah Mobley