Coronavirus: Ford, General Motors discuss producing medical equipment to combat COVID-19

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The assembly lines are quiet for now, but two of the Big 3 automakers are in talks with the government to start making ventilators and other medical equipment.

White House economic advisor Larry Kudlow said that Ford and General Motors want to start producing the medical equipment that is in short supply as soon as possible, WXYZ reported.

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Ford said in a statement that the company “stands ready to help the administration in any way we can, including the possibility of producing ventilators and other equipment. We have had preliminary discussions with the U.S. Governments and are looking into the feasibility,” WXYZ reported.

The move would come under the Defense Production Act, which President Donald Trump announced Wednesday.

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Those companies are not the only ones.

In the UK, Dyson and Rolls-Royce are also being tapped to make essential medical equipment, CNN reported. Prime Minister Boris Johnson has asked 60 manufacturers to step up and help.

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To help make the parts needed, 3D printing companies in Italy are creating the components, CNN reported.