Magnet fishing: A father-daughter duo creates a unique way to keep a clean environment

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JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — It was a fishin’ kind of morning. But this is more than just another fish story. This is environmental fishing … with magnets!

Fourth grader Lauren Garcia said the spots of oil we can see in the creek are a “good” sign there’s something to “catch” while her dad, Jason Garcia, got all the fishing gear ready.

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These unique fishing expeditions were born in the early part of quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The father and daughter first snorkeled to make their “catches,” then moved to tie magnets to ropes, creating their unique kind of fishing.

Just like the “real thing,” any fishing expedition can yield a surprise, which is exactly what happened on this day.

They reeled in a window air conditioning unit!

Some of their more interesting finds include a set of keys that they were able to return to the owner and a loaded pistol that was then forwarded to law enforcement.

It’s all in a day’s fishing for this father-daughter duo.

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Lauren and her father love the idea of doing something together that’s not only interesting and fun but also helps the environment!

A “Girl dad” and daughter making memories with each other while doing some good for the rest of us.

You can follow “Daddy and Daughter Plus Water” to keep up with their latest adventures on social media here:


