
About 9.8M working moms in U.S. are suffering from burnout, study shows

Working mother (

Roughly 9.8 million working mothers in the United States are suffering from burnout, according to a new study by Maven, a virtual clinic for women’s and family health.

Based on its survey of 440,000 working parents, including 226,000 mothers, women are 28% more likely to experience burnout than fathers, just by being a working mother, the CNBC reported.

Another survey of nearly 500 parents showed that 53% of families rely on the mother as the primary caregiver of the household.

Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, such as child-care challenges or having to manage remote learning for their children while also transitioning to handling work duties from home play a factor in burnout.

To read more about the surveys and for tips to recognizing burnout, click here.