
Blood Donations Needed Ahead of Hurricane Season

LifeSouth Nonprofit community blood bank

Water, flashlights, non-perishable foods, important documents, and medicine. Those are just some of the key items you need to gather for your hurricane survival kit.

There’s also an important resource you can give that could be critical in helping others if we’re impacted by severe weather this hurricane season --- a blood donation.

Action News Jax Anchor Tenikka Hughes talked to Brite Whitaker, Director of Communications and Outreach for the non-profit community blood bank, Lifesouth.

Hughes asked, “How soon can someone start to give blood to make sure that we’re okay or at a good starting point come June 1st?”

Whitaker said, “Blood is good for 42 days. So again, that’s not a long time and that’s why we need donors every day. The more that we can have donors come in prior to hurricanes affecting our area the better.”

Once hurricane season is underway, Whitaker says it brings additional challenges.

“So not only do we have hurricane season, we also have the summer months. And like you said, we have inclement weather any time that can cause accidents. And we have illnesses that need blood transfusions all the time. So, it is a really difficult season for blood donations and making sure hospitals have what they need for their patients,” said Whitaker.

She hopes people make the choice to donate blood on a regular basis. Keep in mind, you can make a whole blood donation … every 56 days.

Lifesouth says its donation centers and buses have COVID-19 safety precautions in place.  If you’re interested in donating blood, click here: