
City of Jacksonville’s “Pathway to Home” program offers unsheltered homeless people help


Jacksonville, FL. — The City of Jacksonville and the COVID-19 Shelter Taskforce announced early today that they will launch an initiative to help people experiencing homelessness.

The Pathway to Home Program has been created through a collaboration with the City of Jacksonville, Sulzbacher, Mental Health Resource Center, Changing Homelessness, additional area homeless providers, Downtown Vision and the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office.

This new program will provide individuals living in unsheltered areas with a local extended-stay hotel room and food assistance for 30 days.

People who choose to take this help will be given a duffel bag, and offered storage and transportation.

They’ll be moved into a local hotel until permanent housing is found.

They’ll also be offered groceries and weekly meal delivery.

Mayor Curry today says this program was the result of years worth of brainstorming.

Today, Action News Jax asked the city who was paying for all these hotel rooms.

The mayors office says the money is coming from public, private and philanthropic dollars.

Right now the city has between $550,000 and $650,000 available right now.