
Ahmaud Arbery case: Protesters gather in Brunswick after video showing man’s death is released online


SATILLA SHORES, Ga. — UPDATED STORY: Ahmaud Arbery case: Attorney for family of Glynn County man shot, killed said he expects arrest today

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation said Tuesday evening it has been called in to look into the February death of Ahmaud Arbery, 25.

The GBI said Atlantic Judicial Circuit District Attorney Tom Durden of Liberty County made the request.

A little more than two months after Ahmaud Arbery was killed in Brunswick, Georgia, cell phone video showing the final moments of his life was posted online.

It is unknown who recorded the video, but Lee Merritt, an attorney for the Arbery family, said it is of Arbery running through the Satilla Shores neighborhood.

In the video, a white pickup can be seen stopped in the street ahead.

According to a police report, Gregory McMichael and his son Travis were in that truck.

According to the initial Glynn County police report, Gregory and Travis McMichael got in their truck to go after Arbery because they believed he was involved in previous break-ins in the neighborhood.

As Arbery approaches the truck, the video shows the driver is already out, armed with a shotgun.

Arbery appears to run around to the other side and the two men get into a confrontation at the front.

Gregory McMichael claims that Arbery violently attacked his son.

Three shots can be heard in the video before Arbery falls to the ground.

In the initial report, McMichael said his son fired two shots, both men were armed.

Merritt said police have been in possession of this video since the shooting happened in February.

RELATED: Ahmaud Arbery case: Man killed in Brunswick in February, shooter not arrested

He said the family has been asking to see it and were denied until it ended up on the internet Tuesday.

Tuesday, demonstrators called for justice in the Satilla Shores neighborhood.

Glynn County Sheriff E. Neal Jump addressed the community about the delay in justice.

“If that was my son, I’d be upset. I can only imagine what the mother and dad are going through,” Jump said. “We have to go through the justice system. You give me an arrest warrant and I’ll lock up Satan himself if I can find him.”

McMichael nor his son have been arrested or charged.

The case was transferred to the Ware County District Attorney due to Gregory McMichael’s ties to Glynn County as a former investigator.

Merritt confirmed to Action News Jax the case was then transferred to Liberty County, due to another potential conflict of interest -- the Ware County District Attorney’s son is an assistant District Attorney in Glynn County.

Merritt said he wants the Department of Justice to take over the case. If the DOJ doesn’t take the case, Merritt would like the state to appoint a special prosecutor.

On Tuesday, District Attorney Tom Durden said he would present the case to a grand jury to decide if charges should be brought against the two men.

Grand juries are suspended in Georgia until at least July due to COVID-19.