
Coronavirus: Florida’s Price Gouging Hotline activated

FLORIDA — With more than 20 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Florida, including two deaths, Florida’s Price Gouging Hotline has been activated.

Under Florida law, businesses may not drastically increase prices on essential items during a declared state of emergency, which was announced Monday.

For the coronavirus emergency, essential commodities currently include hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, commercial cleaning supplies and protective face masks.

Attorney General Ashley Moody says businesses caught overcharging consumers face fines of up to $1,000 per violation.

“We will not tolerate businesses or individuals that are going to hike up prices, to take advantage of a dire situation when families are trying to protect themselves,” Moody said.

Moody’s office has received more than a dozen complaints since the hotline went live. Consumers who feel prices on essential items have been drastically increased in the past few days can contact the price gouging hotline at 1-866-9-NO-SCAM or download the new NO SCAM app to a smartphone.

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