
Top five Duval zip codes where sex offenders live


An Action News Jax investigation uncovers the Duval County zip codes that are hot spots for registered sex predators and offenders.

“It puts a fear in you,” said Melody Cannon, a Northwest Jacksonville mom of two.

She’s furious that there are 53 sex predators and offenders living within half a mile of her home.

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“When I did the search and I realized how many were here, I was like, 'oh no,'” Cannon said.

She lives in one of Duval County’s top five zip codes where the most sex offenders live.

Those zip codes are 32206, 32218, 32219, 32210 and 32209.

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“None of us out here, that I know of, want any future problems. We’ve had enough of the system,” said a Northwest Jacksonville registered sex predator, who does not want to be identified out of fear for his safety.

The Vietnam veteran and father of five spent 15 years in prison.

“The Jacksonville Sheriff’s department is out here all the time. Probation department is out here all the time. They’re always checking on us,” he said.

Cannon said she’s not taking any chances.

“My kids can’t come outside and play unless I’m with them. Even when we’re out here, I usually have a firearm or something on me when they’re playing,” Cannon said.

Action News Jax's investigation also learned that 60 percent of all sex offenders and predators in Duval County live within 1,000 feet of at least one school bus stop.

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