
'You're attacking us for a quick buck,' Thieves break into Jacksonville Game Center twice in a month


JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — The Jacksonville Game Center has been burglarized twice in less than a month.

Ownership tells Action News Jax both times the thieves busted through the wall to get in.

Hector Ortiz is a regular at the game center.

Action News Jax caught up with him as customers and staff were preparing for their Friday night Magic the Gathering tournament.

“The place is pretty packed, we have anywhere from 20-plus players,” Ortiz said, “It’s like a second home. A lot of people come to get away from issues.”

So, when these crimes occur, Ortiz said the customers take it as a personal attack.



“The first time it happened was really heartbreaking,” Ortiz said.

Action News Jax first reported three weeks ago when thieves busted a hole in the wall to take more than $5,000 rare Magic the Gathering cards.

The owner said they came back again overnight Friday.

Surveillance video showed the glow of their flashlights.

The owner said this time, they left another hole in the wall and stole more than $3,000 in those same, valuable cards.

He said they busted through the wall at the restaurant next door.

Friday, Hunan Wok had a board up in the window where the thieves broke their glass to get in.
Ortiz had a message for the thieves.

“Just grow up,” Ortiz said.  “It’s not necessary.  You’re attacking us for a quick buck.  Just go out there and get a job, man.”

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