
107.3 changed format- no more Lex & Terry until October

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JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- Planet Radio 107.3 changed its format today, its now playing oldies instead of hard rock.
Fans already formed an "R.I.P. Planet Radio" facebook page. Natali Smith posted she is "so sad". Stepahine Busch commented she "is scared, lonely and has no music to be comforted by."
Another thing missing- the popular "Lex and Terry Show" which started here in Jacksonville.
But don't worry, "Lex and Terry" will be back. Action News talked with Terry Jaymes on the phone Thursday from Dallas. He told us a contract is keeping them from being on the air right away, but the show will be on another Jacksonville station October 1.
Jaymes said Jacksonville is the show's highest rated market and they love "Freakville."
You can still catch the show through an i-pod app, on podcast, satellite radio or on the show's website.