
Corrections officer hospitalized while training for local charity event

A Facebook post about 12-year Orange County corrections officer Sgt. Jerry Haddock by the Jacksonville Guns and Hoses has gone viral, with over 2,700 likes and 1,2000 shares.

The corrections officer was training for the Guns and Hoses charity boxing event, when he collapsed.

"Jerry has the heart of a champion and he is currently in the toughest fight of his life. Please pray for Jerry and his family," the post stated.

Haddock is reportedly in critical condition.

Haddock is a mentor for at-risk youth, according to Orange County's website, and was once awarded the Corrections Distinguished Award -- for heroism after pulling someone from a burning car.

The Orange County corrections department released a statement saying, " Sgt. Jerry Haddock's corrections family is praying for him and his family during this difficult time."

Our hearts are heavy tonight as one of our own fights for his life. Shortly after completing today’s training session...

Posted by Jacksonville Guns & Hoses on Monday, April 2, 2018
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