
Did Georgia cop Cory Sasser have help tracking his victims?


The Georgia Bureau of Investigation is looking into whether a former Glynn County cop who killed two people last week had help tracking down his victims.

According to a letter from the district attorney in Glynn County, Jackie Johnson asked the GBI "to determine whether any charges are appropriate for individuals who may have assisted him as a party to the crime."

The Glynn County Police Department was already under fire from people who thought Cory Sasser should have been behind bars before last Thursday.

That's when police say he killed his estranged wife Katie Kettles Sasser and the man friends say she was seeing, John Hall Jr.

Police say Sasser later killed himself.

At the time of the shooting, Sasser was out on bond and banned from Glynn County after a domestic violence arrest and standoff with police. The police chief had begun the administrative process of terminating Sasser.

On June 26, he was allowed back into the county to attend a court hearing. That night, he was still in the county and went to a pizza restaurant, where he came face to face with Katie Kettles Sasser and Hall.

“Lt. Sasser pointed his finger at them, like a gun, as he was leaving the restaurant,” Hall’s attorney Jason Clark said.

Sasser’s wife reported the incident to police that night. The next day, Clark accompanied Hall to the Glynn County Police Department.

“We told the investigator at the meeting we suspected that if something was not done, someone was going to be hurt or killed,” Clark said.

At a news conference last week, the police chief said that incident was under investigation at the time of the murders.

This wasn’t the first time Sasser killed someone. He was highlighted in a WSB-TV and Atlanta Journal Constitution investigation in 2015.

Sasser and another officer sprayed bullets across the front of a young, unarmed mother’s windshield, killing her. At the time, Caroline Small’s car was pinned between a utility pole and a police car. After the shooting, the two were caught on video discussing their marksmanship.

A grand jury failed to indict the officers and a civil court judge ruled Small’s constitutional rights were not violated.