
Duval County Democratic Party, Executive Committee share opinion on John Parker's decision

John Parker 

It’s official—State Committeeman John Parker is no longer a member of the Duval County Democratic Party or the DNC.

He turned in his resignation today, after making racial insensitive comments about African-Americans and integration following a meeting back in January.

Action News Jax’s Courtney Cole spoke to a member of the Duval Democratic Party and the Secretary of the Executive Committee and they both agree—the only way to move from here is forward.

This is John Parker’s letter of resignation.

It says in part, ‘the misstatement I made was misunderstood and give the impression I am something I am not.’

Duval County Democratic party member Albert Wilcox says he made the right decision.

“The time he needed to do this is right now as we commemorate the death of one of the greatest civil rights leaders in our country, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.”

Parker offended African-Americans by using the phrase “colored people.”  Parker said he meant to say “people of color.”

Courtney Cole called the Office of the Duval County Democratic Party directly, but she had to leave a message.

But she was able to get in contact with Daniel Henry, the secretary of the Duval County Democratic Executive Committee.

He told her there’s no place in the Democratic Party for those types of comments.

"There's no way, at the end of the day, he could justify that those comments were reasonable. They were offensive comments. We appreciate the fact that he resigned in light of them."
Henry said those in position of leadership must be representative of the people themselves and Parker's comments proved otherwise.

The secretary of the Duval County Democratic Executive Party Committee said this is just a bump in the road and will not take away their focus from their No. 1 goal—and that’s getting Democrats elected in Duval County—and statewide.

Courtney Cole also reached out to a member of the Duval County Black Caucus, but he declined to comment.