Duval County

City of Jacksonville celebrates Black Restaurant Week


JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — The City of Jacksonville is partnering up with LISC Jacksonville, the Jacksonville Jaguars, Visit Jacksonville, The Jaxson Magazine and Career Source of Northeast Florida to celebrate Black Restaurant Week, now through Dec. 6.

Jacksonville has over 200 black-owned businesses in the area.

RELATED STORY: Black Restaurant Week: What to know

Black Restaurant Week started in 2015 to expand awareness and stimulate growth to black-owned businesses. The week will be celebrated in cities throughout the nation.

“By highlighting our city’s black-owned restaurants, we are presenting an opportunity for citizens to discover dining spaces, gain exposure to and develop an appreciation for new food, and support local businesses and communities,” said Mayor Lenny Curry. “I am proud that Jacksonville is the first city in Florida to participate in Black Restaurant Week and look forward to it becoming a tradition.”

To learn more about some of the local businesses here in Jacksonville, click HERE.

Click HERE to view a map of all black-owned restaurants in the area.

Anyone that participates in this week’s celebration is encouraged to post videos or pictures on social media using the hashtags #BlackRestaurantWeek and #BlackRestaurantWeekJax.