Duval County

Forensic Psychologist breaks down police-involved shootings


JACKSONVILLE. Fla. — This week five police body camera videos of police-involved shootings were released.

This comes after the State Attorney’s Office and the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office entered into a partnership to provide more transparency to the public.

On Wednesday, videos showing two deadly officer-involved shootings where the suspect was killed were released. Action News Jax took the videos to a forensic psychologist, and former Navy psychologist, Dr. Justin D’Arienzo to discuss the long term effects shootings can have on the officers.

D’Arienzo said he has worked with officers in these situations, and it is not cut and dry.

These split-second decisions not only can be deadly but can have a lasting effect on the suspect and the officer.

“They will relive the situation over and over again, maybe have flashbacks,” D’Arienzo said.

He compared officers on the street to military members in combat; many may suffer from PTSD and trauma, especially if they feel they made a mistake in pulling the trigger.

He also said suspects are often in a state of fear and flight or fight response, causing them to sometimes act erratically.