Duval County

‘I think it’s fantastic, truly’: DCPS, DOH kick off ‘Duval Vax of Kindness’ vaccine clinics


JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — There is a new push to get local students and school staff vaccinated.

The Duval County School District and the Duval County Department of Health have collaborated on a special effort to get more people vaccinated with the Duval Vax of Kindness vaccine clinics.

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Students and staff at Darnell Cookman middle and high school, Grand Park Alternative School, Raines High School and John E. Ford K-8, were the first to be able to get their COVID-19 shot through Duval Vax of Kindness.

“I think it’s fantastic, truly. I think it’s really great. It’s one-stop shopping,” said Melissa Savage.

Savage said her kids are thrilled to be back at school in person. Her daughter goes to John E. Ford.

“If my kids were old enough, I certainly would absolutely have them vaccinated. It’s just too scary out there right now, it’s just too much going on,” Savage explained.

49 Duval County Public Schools will participate as vaccine clinics through the first week of September.

According to the latest data from the school district’s COVID-19 dashboard at the time of this story:

  • There are 316 COVID-19 cases district-wide.
  • 47 of the COVID-19 cases are staff members.
  • 269 of the COVID-19 cases are students.

Savage said there’s only one other thing that could help her feel more comfortable continuing to send her kids back to school in-person.

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“For me personally, and for our family, if they were just mandating masks. I know that they are tied, that they can’t —public schools, [are] not mandated,” Savage said.

Cole reached out to the DCPS and the DOH for the total number of students and employees vaccinated today at each of the four schools. Both were unable to provide those numbers by Cole’s deadline, but said they are working to get those final numbers.

We do know that Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Diana Greene wants all students staff and teacher who are eligible to get vaccinated.

The full schedule of vaccine clinics for Duval Vax of Kindness

DCPS COVID-19 dashboard