Duval County

JSO officer hit by SUV while running after suspect


JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — An officer with the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office is in the hospital after being hit by an SUV late Thursday night.

Police tell Action News Jax that he was running after a suspect wanted in a domestic incident when it happened, they say he suffered injuries mainly to his lower legs and has a long recovery ahead of him.

Security video given to Action News Jax shows the two running down 103rd Street and you can hear the officer telling the suspect to stop.

RELATED STORY: JSO officer hit by car while running after suspect

“It’s unfortunate but not surprising because there’s always accidents on this corner,” Angie Lopez said.

The same camera shows what looks like the two slowing down at the intersection of 103rd and California. From there, it looks like the suspect has his hands up and takes off again.

After that, the footage shows them about to cross 103rd and they leave the scene. But that’s when police say the officer was hit.

While you can’t see it, you can hear the moment of impact, which police say caused major injuries to his lower legs, requiring surgery.

Lopez is the manager of Sterling Auto Sales and said the area can be extremely dangerous.

“You stand here on 103rd everybody does 80-85mph like they’re on I-95 and there’s constantly accidents at that corner,” she said.

Kiram Itani’s security footage also caught the response efforts just before and after midnight.

“I hope he is going to be well soon,” Itani said.

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Police say the suspect wanted was caught and arrested, they also say the driver stopped and is cooperating. The two incidents are not related.

“Hopefully he makes a speedy recovery and I’m glad there was people to help him,” Lopez said.

Police say for now, they are not identifying the officer until they get the OK from family. Action News Jax has requested the full reports and will update this story when we learn more.