Duval County

Loved ones of Jacksonville grandma keep ‘social distance’ with surprise parade


JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — A Jacksonville grandma’s family is used to going to her home for Sunday dinner every week.

But with social distancing orders and not wanting to expose her to COVID-19, they decided to show her they love her in a different way, with a special parade.

Every week, Hope Wolford cooks for 30 people.

“It takes commitment on both parties for them to be there every Sunday, but that’s what they want,” Wolford said.

But health officials say people Wolford’s age are more vulnerable to coronavirus.

So, with Sunday dinner out, her family planned the surprise parade.

“It was very important for us to all make her feel extra special because she always makes us feel extra special,” said granddaughter, Priscilla Carter.

One by one, honking horns and blaring music, loved ones had a parade for Wolford.

“They really shocked me,” she said. “There they were, yelling and screaming and driving around yelling to me. So, it was great. At least I got to see them.”

They’re showing us all even with orders to social distance, family is never far away.