
Family of teen killed on Mother's Day has message ahead of summer vacation


Kylie Burgess, 14, was an honor student and cheerleader at Brantley Middle School.

She wanted to go to cosmetology school, and like many girls loved makeup.

One night, Kylie sneaked out of her home to meet up with friends.

Her grandmother, Dianne Stevenson, says she had made her bed to look like she was in it.


Around 3 a.m. on Mother’s Day, there was a knock at the door -- it was two policemen there to deliver life changing news.

Kylie had been killed in a crash.

“He said Kylie was killed in a car accident tonight. I was dumbfounded I sat there I couldn’t even cry.” Stevenson said.

Police say 17-year-old Austin Moore was behind the wheel, with Kylie and another teen.

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Moore was charged with homicide by vehicle, fleeing police, reckless driving,  serious injury by vehicle,  speeding, and street racing.

“It tore us to pieces, what do you do? There’s no words anyone can tell you that’s going to comfort you at that time or bring her back.”

Triple A says the 100 deadliest days for drivers are between Memorial Day and Labor Day.

Stevenson hopes teens will think twice before driving recklessly

“Don’t go out there and think it’s a toy and go crazy with it, because this is what happens.”

The family has set up a GoFundMe account.