
George Zimmerman threatens to feed man to gator over Trayvon Martin movie, deputies say

SEMINOLE COUNTY, Fla. — The Seminole County man whose acquittal in the 2012 shooting death of a black teenager made national headlines is in the spotlight once again.

George Zimmerman is facing charges of aggravated stalking, cyberstalking and making a credible threat toward a person, according to a report.

The allegations stem from phone calls and text messages made by Zimmerman to a private investigator was who hired by a producer to find people who would be willing to talk in an upcoming documentary about Trayvon Martin, the 17-year-old Zimmerman killed in a Sanford neighborhood.

According to the report, on Sept. 21, the private investigator contacted Zimmerman about the film and mentioned the producer, Mike Gasparro and left a voicemail with Gasparro's contact information.

Deputies said Gasparro told the private investigator that Zimmerman was extremely agitated with him and threatened physical harm because the investigator had been contacting Zimmerman's family.

Zimmerman allegedly told Gasparro, "Help (the investigator's wife) out and give him a heads up. I'm going to find him. And i'm bringing hell with me." He allegedly texted Gasparro and said, "(The private investigator) is a (expletive) who bothered my uncle in his home. Local or former law officer, he's well on his way to the inside of a gator as well. 10-4?"

On Dec. 16, the private investigator said he too began receiving threats from Zimmerman. In total, he received 21 calls, 38 texts and seven voicemails in a two-hour time span.

The investigator called deputies to report the alleged threats.

The responding deputy told the private investigator to make a call to Zimmerman and ask him to cease communication. According to documents, Zimmerman told him, "No" and to go ahead and "pursue charges."

He also said, "Text me again. I'll show up at your house," the documents said.

Zimmerman also sent the victim a website link to a news article posted on TheBlast.com in which Zimmerman was quoted saying, "I know how to handle people who (expletive) with me. I have since February 2012" and "Anyone who (expletive) with my parents will be fed to an alligator."

According to the court documents, Zimmerman continued to send text messgaes, emails and phone calls.

The voicemails contained what appeared to be ticking sounds and tones that would slowly increase in frequency, deputies said.

Between Dec. 16 and Dec. 25, the victim received 55 phone calls, 67 text messages, 36 voicemails and 27 emails, deputies said.

On Jan. 3, a deputy who was familier with Zimmerman from a domestic dispute between Zimmerman and his ex-wife, called Zimmerman.

Court documents said he berated and cursed at the deputy.

Zimmerman was served with the court documents on May 3 and is scheduled to be arraigned May 30.

Channel 9’s Jeff Deal is reading through the report. Keep refreshing this story page for updates and watch Eyewitness news at 5 for the latest.