
Jacksonville church posts sign calling Allah 'Fake God'

The pastor of a Mandarin church has posted a sign outside calling Allah a “fake God.”

Several people reached out to Action News Jax, calling the sign Islamophobic.

The sign says: “Allah fake God, Jesus Christ the real God.”

Pastor Gene Youngblood would not come out of First Conservative Baptist Church’s locked doors when Action News Jax showed up to ask why he felt this was an important message to display.

“I do appreciate your contact. But the sign stands for itself, speaks for itself, to be proven by the Quran,” said Youngblood.

“Ignorance really cultivates fear,” said Alex Sivar, chairman of interfaith organization Atlantic Institute Jacksonville.

“This is a monotheistic religion and the three major ones are, of course, Islam, Judaism and Christianity. And all three of them are worshipping the same god.”

Sivar, who is Muslim, said he’d like to invite Youngblood and his family to his home.

“Have a dinner, break bread with me, and ask me all the questions that he has that he doesn’t have an answer,” said Sivar.

In 2015, Youngblood took a sign saying “Homosexuals must repent or go to hell” down after a petition.

In 2012, he posted a sign saying, “Pray for our president to be replaced.”