
Jacksonville McDonald's cited for live roaches near ice-cream machine


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Several Jacksonville restaurants received health code violations this week, including a McDonald's that had more than Happy Meals.

Health inspectors said they found live roaches at the McDonald’s at 11900 Atlantic Blvd.

Inspectors reported seeing the eight roaches on the floor under a sink and in front of an ice-cream machine. There was a dead roach in the mini burger reach-in cooler and potentially hazardous food temperatures, inspectors said.

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The manager refused to comment when asked about the restaurant being temporarily closed.

Other Jacksonville restaurants made the Restaurant Report list, including one at the St. Johns Town Center.

The M Shack was reported having potentially hazardous food temperatures and an employee using the bar hand wash sink as a dump sink. An inspector reported air vents soiled with food debris.

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In Riverside Jacksonville, China Joy was cited for 17 live roaches near fryers and bagged fried noodles, gaskets with slimy, mold-like build-up and raw animal food stored over cooked food.

The restaurant was temporality closed.

The Maple Street Biscuit Company in Jacksonville Beach was cited for potentially hazardous food temperatures, black mold-like build-up behind a triple sink and the women’s restroom toilets were not clean.

To read more local restaurant reports, visit the Action News Jax Restaurant Report page