
Video: Jacksonville McDonald's employee slaps customer


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Video on social media shows a Jacksonville McDonald's employee yelling at a customer, coming from behind the cash register counter and slapping the customer, yanking the glasses off her face.

The incident took place at the McDonalds on Beach Boulevard near St. Johns Bluff Road.

According to customers who witnessed the incident, the customer threw a cup of coffee at the employee, potentially prompting the altercation.

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While the employee can be heard screaming, "Did you throw that drink at me?!" customers say the employee's reaction was unprofessional.

"I'm speechless. I'm blown away by that one," said Eddie Ford, a customer. "I think it's totally unprofessional."

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Ford said no matter what happened before the incident, it could have been avoided.

"Your job is customer service, and you come behind the counter and fight a consumer? That's crazy," said Ford. "You're the face of the company."

McDonald's of North Florida released the following statement by McDonald's owner Debbie Moreland after the incident. “I do not condone the behavior depicted in this video. We are currently investigating this matter,” the statement reads.