
Jumbo Shrimp to hold ballpark hiring events on July 13 & 27

Eighteen positions are open for hire (Jacksonville Jumbo Shrimp)
(Jacksonville Jumbo Shrimp)

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — The Jacksonville Jumbo Shrimp are looking to continue building their team for the 2022 season. The club will hold two more ballpark hiring events from 4-7 p.m. on Wednesday, July 13 and Wednesday, July 27 at 121 Financial Ballpark.


Interested applicants need only attend one of the job fairs.

Those interested in attending will be asked to complete an employment application form. Applicants may bring a completed application to the job fair as well.

All applicants should be prepared to interview at the job fairs and are encouraged to bring a resume and dress appropriately.

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Potential employees are subject to a background check and drug test.

Parking for the job fairs will be in Lot P and applicants may enter through the main stadium gates at the corner of A Philip Randolph Blvd. and E. Adams St.

Open positions are for seasonal employment. This includes but is not limited to 75 Jacksonville Jumbo Shrimp baseball home games, additional stadium events and training.

There are 18 positions open for hire.

For more information, click here to visit the news section of the Jumbo Shrimp website.