Melissa Nelson won the race for State Attorney race in the Florida Primary election on Tuesday.
Nelson was running against incumbent Angela Corey.
"I believed that we deserve more in our justice system and that's why I ran," Nelson said "Tonight, this victory gives voice to what our community expects from our justice system."
She thanked Corey for her time in office.
"And to my opponent Angela Corey, I want to thank her, and all of us should thank her for her long service as a prosecutor tonight," Nelson said.
Write-in candidate Kenny Leigh announced Wednesday he would be dropping out of the race, making Nelson the next State Attorney.
State Attorney Angela Corey has arrived to her watch party as they wait for elex results #FLVotes @ActionNewsJax
— Samantha Manning (@SamManningNews) August 30, 2016
Sheriff Mike Williams has arrived to the watch party at the FOP HQ for SA Angela Corey #FLVotes @ActionNewsJax
— Samantha Manning (@SamManningNews) August 30, 2016
Crowd is watching power point prepared by SA Angela Corey as they wait for results #FLVotes @ActionNewsJax
— Samantha Manning (@SamManningNews) August 30, 2016
Corey supporters wearing shirts with her name. Still awaiting election results #FLVotes @ActionNewsJax
— Samantha Manning (@SamManningNews) August 30, 2016
Early numbers show Melissa Nelson leading State Attorney Angela Corey #FLVotes @ActionNewsJax
— Samantha Manning (@SamManningNews) August 30, 2016
Disappointment in the room as the SAO race is called, Melissa Nelson winning the GOP race #FLVotes @ActionNewsJax
— Samantha Manning (@SamManningNews) August 31, 2016
Angela Corey thanks her supporters including law enforcement following her primary loss #FLVotes @ActionNewsJax
— Samantha Manning (@SamManningNews) August 31, 2016
Corey: "I put this in God's hands and I'm willing to accept this result." #FLVotes @ActionNewsJax
— Samantha Manning (@SamManningNews) August 31, 2016
Corey: "I will figure out what it was about our stellar record that I was not able to communicate to the voters." #FLVotes @ActionNewsJax
— Samantha Manning (@SamManningNews) August 31, 2016
Crowd stands to applaud Angela Corey after her remarks #FLVotes @ActionNewsJax
— Samantha Manning (@SamManningNews) August 31, 2016
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