
Relief from San Marco flooding could be years away

The city of Jacksonville Public Works Department says help is on the way to deal with the flooding in San Marco.

On Thursday night, Action News Jax introduced you to people trapped in their homes due to standing water after a round of storms.

Neighbors said there was upwards of 3 feet of water down Lasalle Street Thursday.  Video showed a Jeep pushing an Audi down the road after the engine flooded and it was dead in the water.

The city said a new pump station on this street could eventually help.

Calvin Butts will believe it when he sees it.

“I’ve been waiting six years,” Butts said.  “I’ve heard it since I’ve moved here that the flooding is going to be addressed, and they’re going to be putting in pump stations, and I haven’t seen any improvements.”

Right now, the city says the only two pump stations in San Marco are at Landon and River Road in the park and at the end of Children’s Way by Nemours.

City representatives said plans are in the works to put in another one on Lasalle Street.  They said the project will take at least 18 months after the work goes out for bid.

Ken Christian used to live off Children’s Way, but never got back into his flooded apartment after Hurricane Irma.

“What goes through your mind when you think it could be two years before San Marco gets another pump station?” Action News Jax Reporter Russell Colburn asked.

“I think it’s outrageous,” Christian said.  “Just [Thursday] night there was a foot and a half of water outside San Marco Boulevard, and cars just stalling.”

The city said the project will cost more than $8 Million, and it will be fully funded by the time construction is ready to start.