
Skyline Cafe at the top of Bank of America Tower in downtown Jacksonville to close its doors

A prime piece of real estate is about to open up in downtown Jacksonville. The Skyline Restaurant in the Bank of America Tower is getting ready to close. The people who work in the Bank of America building like the convenience of having somewhere to eat inside their building, but that's going away.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — A prime piece of real estate is about to open up in downtown Jacksonville. The Skyline Restaurant in the Bank of America Tower is getting ready to close.

The people who work in the Bank of America building like the convenience of having somewhere to eat inside their building, but that's going away.
"The views up there are magnificent," said Skyline customer Jeff Evans.
It's how the restaurant got its name. The Skyline Dining and Conference Center is known for the gorgeous view of downtown Jacksonville from the 42nd floor of the Bank of America Tower.

The restaurant opened in October 2009 as a convenience for building employees. The restaurant was subsidized and the best view in Jacksonville comes with a price.

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"They don't pay market rent for that space, and if the landlord is not willing to keep that subsidy up, then the restaurant goes out of business," Evans said.
We spoke with the property manager on the phone about the decision to close the restaurant for good. The management company spokesperson said it is finalizing some leasing plans for the 41st floor, which connects to the 42nd floor. The spokesperson said with construction expected to start soon, it was the perfect time to consider better options.
"Hopefully it will be something productive and good for downtown," Evans said.
Soon enough we'll know, but for right now the property manager can't reveal what the space will be used for. As news spreads about downtown redevelopment plans in the works, bringing more restaurants to the area, some feel it's time for a change.
"It will be missed but it will be replaced," Evans said.
We're told that a cafe will be opening on the ground floor of the Bank of America building sometime soon.

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