
St. Johns County to look for interim solid waste providers, ‘termination strong possibility’ for FCC


ST. JOHNS COUNTY, Fla. — Friday is the day the St. Johns County leaders discussed whether to continue or discontinue FCC Environmental Service. The county’s new trash hauler has had problems and frustrated many homeowners with late garbage pickups.


St. John’s County put out a statement on its Facebook page suggesting the county’s partnership with the FCC Environmental Services could soon end.

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This comes after many neighborhoods in St. Johns County have been complaining about their trash not being picked up for nearly two weeks.

“The entire board apologizes for services and interruptions you have experience,” County commissioner Sarah Arnold said.

The county commission issued this post on their Facebook page addressing FCC Environmental performance.

Hundreds of county homeowners were affected by the trash troubles in St. Johns County for over a week.

“We understand that you are disappointed and properly angry and so are we. Today marks the end of the seven-day cure period. We are contractually obligate it to allow FCC to fix the non-performance. On Monday, a serious discussion will be had with termination as a strong possibility. We have lost trust in FCC’s ability to provide data and to deliver services in good faith,” Arnold said.

RELATED STORY: ‘They are failing to deliver:’ St. Johns County neighbors furious over trash troubles

This all started on Aug. 1 when FCC Environmental took over services for more than 100,000 customers. The company signed a seven-year, $28 million contract with St. Johns County. In the commission statement, its mention they will begin searching for a new waste company.

“On Monday, we are anticipating a new proposal to go live. This will obtain interval supplemental providers so we can get other solid waste companies to fill the service gaps created by FCC. FCC will be charge for the cost,” Arnold said.

Neighbors in the Beachwalk neighborhood just had their trash picked up after waiting for two weeks.

“I don’t think it’s that hard to pick up on the days they are supposed to. We didn’t get any notification saying that they weren’t going to. The fact that our trash sat out for two weeks is disappointing,” Neighbor Scott Worswica said.

A spokesperson from FCC Environmental Services told us they have been in emergency meetings working with the county commission to ensure the situation improves.

FCC CEO Dan Brazil sent the following letter to St. Johns County Public Works Director Greg Caldwell regarding the company’s failure to “fulfill certain obligations:”

The county commissioners said they will hold FCC Environmental accountable for all the cost of bringing another company to help with the trash pick-up. We are expecting to hear more from the county commission on Monday.

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