
Strange sea creature washes ashore on Georgia beach


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A boater discovered a strange sea creature that washed ashore on a Southeast Georgia beach.

Jeff Warren said he spotted the deceased animal Friday afternoon with his son at Wolf Island National Wildlife Refuge in Golden Isles, Georgia.

At first, Warren thought the creature was a dead seal, but upon further investigation, he described it as looking more like a "Loch Ness-type thing."


With its elongated neck and small head, The sea animal, in a way, appears to look like an animal from prehistoric times.

Action News Jax reached out to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for more information on what kind of animal this could be.

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Director Dan Ashe said some sea animals have a way of decomposing where they can resemble a Plesiosaur.

Typically, he said, a 30-foot basking shark can decompose in a way where it looks like it has a long neck and tiny head, resembling a prehistoric creature.

VIDEO: Boat captain describes encounter with shark: 

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