
Students at Atlantic Coast High School uncomfortable after social media posts


Some students at Atlantic Coast High School say they no longer feel safe at school.

“I think everybody probably felt a little uncomfortable,” said student Shannon Alexander.

Students say a recentSnapchat post made some students feel uncomfortable.

The video contains racial slurs and bad language.

“You don’t expect somebody you talk to to be, like, that behind closed-doors,” said student Simone Sears.

Another message suggested students wear gear with the Confederate flag, which led to some threatening responses.

One student sent a message asking the principal to respond, which says in part, “As an African-American student who represents our school, I don’t feel cared about. I’m extremely disappointed and a bit ashamed of the school I attend.”

Parent Norma Martinez said she was afraid for her daughter to come to school Wednesday because she thought there would be fights.

“Obviously there was a problem that could bring an emergency and more problems,” she said.

Students say they received a letter from school leaders Wednesday.

“They sent letters out to give to the students how racism isn’t OK but it didn’t look long the teachers didn’t really explain it so they brushed it off,” said student Chayla Rochelle.

Sears says her teacher did talk about social media and how posts can affect others, but the girls said they would like a meeting where the whole school can come together and address racism.

The principal sent a letter to parents about the social media posts and the negative effect they can have at the school.

It also suggested parents talk to their children about social media.