
‘Take your time:’ JSO, school police urging drivers to slow down with back to school in full swing


JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — More than 100,000 Duval County students are back to school. Law enforcement officials want to remind drivers on the roadways to be extra careful during the morning and evening commutes with more buses and kids on the streets.

“Please slow down through crosswalks,” Cheryll Shannon warned. The crossing guard has been with the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office for three years.


She said her favorite part of the first day…

“The smiles on the kids’ faces,” Shannon said.

But, safety is a top priority for school staff and law enforcement.

“Unfortunately we have seen some accidents in the past,” Officer Chris Madsen said. He works with the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office Motor Unit.

On Monday, he pulled over three drivers while a school zone speed limit was in effect outside of Hendricks Elementary School.

“Our goal this week is gonna be a presence in these school zones, so we want we wanna be seen,” Madsen said. “We want everybody to see us and know that we’ll be out here and to slow down.”

The Sheriff’s Office motor unit and Duval County School Police were collaborating on the roads, on Monday, to make sure drivers obey traffic laws.

“Educate the public and prevent the problem before it happens, but we also are prepared to take enforcement action,” Chief Jackson Short, with the Duval County School Police Department, said.

The added awareness is especially important as these school zone speed limits weren’t in effect throughout the summer, meaning your commute could take longer.

“Take your time. School will be there,” Officer Justin Dowling said. He’s a school safety officer in the Arlington area. “They’re [JSO] out here on these streets and we’re in the schools to keep everybody safe so anything we can do to work together whether it be traffic or otherwise.”

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