
Transcript: 911 calls released in home invasion death of beloved Jacksonville teacher


PHOTO GALLERY: Family shares photos of beloved Jacksonville teacher

The 911 calls have been released in reference to the 2017 murder of a Jacksonville teacher.

Debrorah Liles was killed in Panama Park home in on March 23 of that year.

A suspect, Adam Christopher Lawson, was arrested in early April 2017 when the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office located Liles' car near Lawson's home. JSO detectives said they found bloody shoes in Lawson's residence.

Liles' husband Michael can be heard on the 911 call saying that his wife had been attacked with a golf club -- and trying to give JSO a description of their car, which was missing:

Warning: Some of this content may be disturbing.

Operator 1: Jacksonville 911.

Caller: Someone's attacked – I think she's dead. (sighs) There's blood everywhere.

Operator 1: OK listen. I'm going to transfer you to rescue, OK? There's nobody in your house, right?

Caller: I'm sorry?

Operator 1: There's nobody in your house right now that you can see?

Caller: Not that I can see. There's a mess everywhere.

Operator 1: I'm going to transfer you to rescue. Tell them where you're at, they're going to come help you, hold on.

Caller: OK. They've stolen everything.

Operator 1: All right, hold on.

Caller: (heavy breathing)

Operator 2: Fire communications, fire rescue, what's the address of the emergency?

Caller: Yes, someone's attacked – I think she's dead. There's blood everywhere. I can't get any response. She's cold.

Operator 2: What's the address? (redacted)

Caller: (crying)

Operator 2: What's the address one more time? I got -- (redacted) OK, and what's your phone number you're calling from sir? (redacted)

Caller: Obviously. They beat her to death with a golf club. They stole stuff out of my house.

Operator 2: … 10-51

Operator 1: … we're on the way.

Operator 2: OK

Operator 1: Sir, don't touch that golf club.

Caller: I'm not.

Operator 2: Leave everything right where she is, OK? … Do you believe that she's gotten any help?

Caller: She's not moving. She's not breathing. Please hurry!

Operator 2: OK sir, we're getting police and rescue over there right now. OK? If there's anything else we can do, just give us a call back, but leave everything the way you see it, OK?

Caller: Thank you.

Operator 1: Sir, stay on the line with me until they get there, OK?

Caller: OK.

Operator 1: How long have you been gone? Are you just now getting home?

Caller: I just pulled in the yard. I tried – (breaks down crying)

Operator 1: Sir, calm down so I can help you, OK? I know it's hard. All right. How long have you been gone?

Caller: I left for work early this morning. I came home. I noticed the car was gone. I thought she wasn't here. I saw the garage door was open. There was a freezer open and food on the floor. (crying) I can't believe she's gone.

Operator 1: Do you think the people who did this took her car?

Caller: Yes. I'm certain of it.

Operator 1: All right. Police are on the way and so is an ambulance. Just stay on the phone with me.

Caller: She can't be dead. I need her.

Operator 1: All right, well I'm sure she needs you too. Talk to her, see if you can get her to come to.

Caller: (heavy breathing) (inaudible) Debbie! Debbie! (inaudible)

Operator 1: What kind of car do you have? The one that's missing.

Caller: The one that's missing?

Operator 1: Yes.

Caller: It's a 2010 Buick.

Operator 1: What color?

Caller: It looks … it's called tan but it looks silver. (crying)

Operator 1: Do you know the tag number? I know I'm asking a lot, but do you know the tag number?

Caller: No, the registration's in the car. It's, the one up from LeSabre, I can't think of it. (heavy breathing)

Operator 3: And so the people that did this, are they no longer on scene sir?

Caller: They don't appear to be. They stole the television. I mean, they …

Operator 1: OK, is there anything that you can tell me about that car? Bumper sticker or anything? Window tint? Dents?

Caller: I can. Let me look on my insurance card. I can tell you what it is.

Operator 1: OK I'm just getting this to try to catch the people. I'm not being insensitive. I understand.

Caller: Please! Please!

Operator 1: They're on the way, sir, I'm sorry this has happened to you.

Caller: This is the second time she's been attacked in my home.

Operator 1: I'm sorry sir. I wish I could do more than what I'm doing.

Caller: I've got you on speaker.

Operator 1: OK. You just let me know anything you can tell me about it.

Caller: (sound of rummaging) I walked in the kitchen and she's on the floor and I can't stand it.

Operator 1: I'm sorry.

Caller: 42 years we've been married.

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Operator 3: JSO, JSO, you've got a 10-52.

Operator 1: Yeah, we're on the way as fast as we can go. I'm sorry this has happened sir. You just let me know what you can let me know, OK?

Operator 3: Are you at 10-97 yet?

Operator 1: No, not yet.

Caller: They stole the computers, I can't look up anything.

Operator 1: It's OK. Anything that you can tell me about the car, bumper sticker, a dent or …

Caller: Come in, come in please!

Operator 1: Are they there? Is that them?

Caller: The police are here.

Operator 1: OK go ahead and talk to them.

Operator 3: OK sir, go ahead and talk to the police and rescue units.

Caller: I found her like this. She can't be dead.

Operator: Thanks, JSO.

Operator 1: All right, bye.