
VyStar Credit Union members still experiencing technical issues with mobile app

JACKSONVILLE — [Update 5/19/2022 11:45 a.m.]: VyStar posted the following on its site: Online & Mobile Banking is currently unavailable. Also, online transfers made since May 15th are delayed. Our teams are working as quickly as we can to resolve issues. We will provide updates as soon as they are available.

“Rest assured your accounts, balances and transactions are safe, secure and accurate on our core systems. You will be able to access the correct information through Magic*Touch 904-777-6001 or 800-235-6289, ATMs, our branches and our Contact Center at 904-777-6000 or 800-445-6289 is available every day, from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.”

UPDATE 5/18/2022: Action News Jax received an update from VyStar stating technical issues are not a result of a cyber-attack. Read the full statement below:

“The VyStar Credit Union team continues to work around the clock to address issues with the conversion to our new Online & Mobile Banking platform. We have taken the platform offline to address these issues. Members are able to conduct business in our branches, by calling the Contact Center, utilizing Magic*Touch, and all cards, ATMs, checking accounts, direct deposits, and other core functions continue to operate and are fully functional.

We want to assure our members that all funds and personal data remain safe, secure and accurate in our core system. This outage is not due to a ransomware or cyber attack.

We will provide updates to our members and at vystarcu.org as and when they are available.”

ORIGINAL STORY from 5/17/2022:

VyStar Credit Union is still working to resolve issues with its mobile app and online banking after a system update over the weekend.

The company informed members for several weeks of a planned update that would prevent members from accessing online and mobile banking, but the outage has lasted two days longer than anticipated.

As of Tuesday, the company said its website is back online but members may still experience slowness and/or sign-in issues. VyStar says its mobile banking app is still not ready to use. In a statement, the company thanked members for their continued patience and said its working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

VyStar also said that there have been reports of loan balances and some transactions not showing up online for some members, but said balance and transaction information is safe and accurate on its core systems and can be accessed via Magic Touch, ATMs, call center & branches.

Action News Jax received the following statement from VyStar regarding the issues:

“On Friday evening, VyStar Credit Union began a scheduled outage to convert its system to the new Online & Mobile Banking platform. We are still working to resolve some issues with the conversion process, but teams are working diligently, around the clock toward a solution. We have also enlisted third-party experts for their support in finding a solution as soon as possible.

We want our members to be assured that their balance and transaction information is safe and accurate. We are looking at supporting members who may have experienced any late fees at VyStar as a result of this issue. We will provide details to our members on our plans for this.”

VyStar also made a post on social media stating it would refund fees that may have incurred at VyStar from May 14 through May 17.

How to contact VyStar while online and mobile banking is down:


VyStar members can connect with a representative via VyChat at http://vystarcu.org or can call VyStar’s Contact Center at (904) 777-6000 or (800) 445-6289.


You can visit any VyStar branch where you can use the ATM.


1. Call 904-777-6001 or 800-235-6289.

2. Enter your Magic*Touch PIN and follow the voice directions

If you are having issues with Magic*Touch VyStar asks you to email your member number, account number(s), and phone number to socialsupport@vystarcu.org, and a team member will contact you in the order in which the request was received.

Samantha Mathers

Samantha Mathers, Action News Jax

Samantha Mathers is a digital reporter and content creator for Action News Jax.