
Whistleblower: Wounded Warrior Project has long road in regaining public trust after exec shakeup

A whistleblower who first exposed allegations of overspending on lavish parties in a CBS News investigation told Action News Jax he is pleased with learning the chief executive officer and the chief operating officer are no longer with the Wounded Warriors Project.

A CBS News report said the executives had been fired.

“They had been lying to the board and lying to donors to veterans,” former WWP employee Erick Millette said. “They’ve been lying to the American public.”

Millette is a former employee for WWP and he said he believed the organization was wasting the money of donors.

He said they spent millions on lavish parties and a CEO that had a nearly $500,000 salary.

“I don’t think the organization has a fresh start with the American public just yet,” Millette said.

Among the changes Millette proposes is investing more of the funds into the services they provide for veterans and wrap-around services so they can follow up with the vets.

“Put a salary freeze,” Millette said. “Remove the bonus program and I would take a hard look at the two remaining executives that were not fired and all the executive vice presidents because by leaving them there, you’re leaving that culture.”

Millette said there’s still a long road ahead.

“It takes time to regain trust especially when you’re taking people’s money and you’re tugging on the heartstrings of America for those sons and daughters those mothers those fathers who went and fought for our country and you’re using their stories, their hardships, to line your pockets.”

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