
Awkward! Donald Trump Jr. and Robert Mueller spotted at same gate in Washington airport

WASHINGTON – Running into someone you know at the airport can be awkward enough without it being someone who is leading a federal investigation into you and your dad.

In an apparent coincidence, special counsel Robert Mueller and Donald Trump Jr. were captured in a photo Friday at Reagan National Airport, as Mueller read the paper and Trump Jr. chatted on his cell phone.

It is unclear if the two men were waiting for the same flight or if either was aware that the other man was there too.

It wouldn't be surprising if they were intentionally ignoring one another considering the circumstances – particularly after reports surfaced the night before that former Trump attorney Michael Cohen was prepared to tell Mueller that then-candidate Trump knew in advance about a June 2016 meeting between Trump Jr. and a Russian lawyer who claimed to have dirt on Hillary Clinton.

According to Politico, the photo was taken at the airport's dreaded 35X gate.

One blogger called the gate, where travelers wait to board commuter flights, "arguably the worst place in any US airport" and said it could be used as a replacement for the detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

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